How to Cite
Villegas Arenas, G. ., & López Becerra, M. H. (2006). Ecological interest and socially responsible consumption. Revista Luna Azul (On Line), (22), 1 de 6. Retrieved from


Guillermo Villegas Arenas
Universidad de caldas
Mario Hernán López Becerra
Universidad de caldas


This article thoroughly examines two aspects linked to environmental administration. The first: the socially
responsible consumption, defined by Antil as “those behaviors and purchase decisions made by consumers that
consider environmental and resource problems that are not only motivated by the desire to satisfy personal
necessities, but also due to an interest regarding the possible adverse consequences and their consequent
effects”. The second aspect: the ecological interest that recognizes that a simple life can help avoid
environmental degradation, as well as preserving the Earth’s resources so that those less fortunate and the
coming generations can use them according to their necessity.

ÁNGEL MAYA Augusto. La Fragilidad Ambiental de la Cultura. Bogotá: Editorial Universidad Nacional: Instituto de Estudios Ambientales –IDEA, 1995.

ANTIL, John H. Socially responsible consumers: profile and implications for public policy. Journal of Macromarketing, Fall 1984. 18 – 39.

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CUTTER, Susan L. The forgotten casualities: women, children, and environmental change. Global environmental change, Vol. 5, No.3, 1995. 181-194.

LATORRE, Emilio. Empresa y medio ambiente en Colombia. En: CORREA, María Emilia y VALENCIA, Jorge. (Editores). El desarrollo sostenible en la economía de América Latina. Santafé de Bogotá: Tercer Mundo Editores, 1995.

____________. El cuidado ambiental desde el hogar. Cali, Colombia: Artes Gráficas del Valle, 2002.

LEPAGE, Henry. Mañana el capitalismo. 1979. (sin más datos).

PAGE, Talbot. El impuesto a la extracción como un instrumento de la equidad intertemporal. En: DALY, Herman E. Economía, Ecología y Ética. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1989.

ROBERTS, James y BACON, Donald R. Exploring the subtle relationships between environmental concern and ecologically conscious consumer behavior. Journal of Business Research 40, 79-89, 1997.

VILLEGAS A. Guillermo, LOPEZ B. Mario Hernán. La Gestión Ambiental de las Pymes en Manizales: el interés ambiental y el consumo socialmente responsable del empresario. Manizales: Centro Editorial – Universidad de Caldas, 2006.


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