How to Cite
Cifuentes Ruiz, P. A. (2005). The paradigm shift in rural development: spatial planning for sustainable development. Luna Azul, (21), 1 de 5. Retrieved from


Paula Andrea Cifuentes Ruiz
Universidad Nacional de Colombia


The objective of this document is to present the foundations and principles of a new tendency of environmental thinking that has relationship with the complexity, the totality sciences besides to show that they break up definitively with linearity concepts. It has three parts: The first moment provides necessary elements to understand the Complexity that we have inherited from Cartesian thinking and the modernity, making emphasis in the relationships between ecosystem and culture, especially in the rural system. In a second moment, some questions are presented on how the man's adaptation has been on its environment, keeping in mind the different cultural dynamics with the ecosystems. Finally some proposals are presented supported in different studies elaborated by experts that seek to be a contribution to the processes of sustainability of the urban and rural territories, having as starting point that both coexist and they are mutually impacted, generating interactions in those that the man is imbued in their acts of cultural adaptation, possible strategies are presented to understand and to make a difference to our reality, the reality of our territory, our country.

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