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Silva Prada, D. F. (2005). Civil society: from disciplinarization to nomadology. Luna Azul, (21), 1 de 15. Retrieved from


Diego Fernando Silva Prada
Universidad de caldas



The challenge that plants think about a concept like civil society, today, is the challenge that we have before the difficulty of leaving the paradigm of disjunctive thought. Civil society appears in a new political context contemporaneous , as a possibility of changing this interpretative form, not to add dual spectrum by a structural trilogy, but could complement lack of categories that have been used in classic political theories. The riches that follows the concept of civil society is that politics are not only played stately or to make this clearer, perspective of this work will show us that new forms of power are not beyond daily activities of civil society. The new routes where we are going to are inside subjective production that makes modern state.

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