How to Cite
Raigosa Vargas, B. E. (2002). Environmental impacts of openness policies in Latin America and the Caribbean. Luna Azul, (15), 1 de 7. Retrieved from


Blanca Edilia Raigosa Vargas
Universidad de caldas



Thinking about the future, the sustainable development must be a world-wide priority to reach the feeding security and a fair trading process besides to acknowledge the importance of the environment and the natural resources. The foreign debt changed the national development strategies besides changing the adjustment and reduction strategies and the reassignment of the public debt. In the last years many countries of the region leading by Chile got into processes of commercial liberation. In this process great differences between Latin America and Asia show up, in both cases they only concern about exports and international competitiveness. Therefore it is essential that the opening trading avoids the indiscriminate destruction of the atmosphere, while freer is an economy greater is the level of environmental sustainability. From the environmental point of view greater illegal extraction of flora and fauna species with commercial value has stimulated the production of exportable and induced an intensification of its operation. All of this is nothing but illegal activities as a result of the increasing of the rural poverty. The imposition of environmental restrictions to poor nations puts them in the dilemma of paying for environmental protection or use these resources for improving people's feeding and health conditions. The world-wide concern about the damage of the environment and the almost generalized adoption of strategies of commercial liberalization from arising countries has persuaded an intense discussion about environmental consequences due to these strategies.

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