How to Cite
Marulanda Mejía, T. . (2002). Gibberish about poverty. Luna Azul, (14), 1 de 4. Retrieved from


Tulio Marulanda Mejía
Universidad de caldas



Universe and life are possible because of the differences and unbalances of its constitutive elements; such phenomenon allows energy to flow and exchange in the opposite direction. Universe death is understood as an state of complete equilibrium without change or movement. Analogically we could think in a similar model for market economy which is the most important system in occidental society, the high degree of progress and development has due to the incessant flow of capital from the sites where it is in larger concentration to others where it is smaller. Does not economy expand as well as the universe does? Such conception take us to the following questions: Does equality utopia a warning from the imminent death as a consequence of an entropico equilibrium of the occidental economy? Is this the point where all irrational fears due to socialization tendencies come from?

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