DOI: 10.17151/10.17151/luaz.2015.41.9
How to Cite
Ibarra Vega, D. W., & Redondo, J. M. (2015). System dynamics, a tool for environmental education in engineering. Revista Luna Azul (On Line), (41), 152–164.


Danny W. Ibarra Vega
Universidad Sergio Arboleda
Johan Manuel Redondo
Universidad Sergio Arboleda


This paper presents part of the experience gained in using system dynamics as a tool for environmental education of engineering students from Universidad Sergio Arboleda. From, diverse scenarios that allow students to have a systemic view of the real world and visualize its dynamics, System Dynamics are recreated. Since the environment is a complex system, using System Dynamics favors the identification of nonlinear relationships between the environmental attributes, modeling and extension to other techniques such as understanding the mathematical theory of systems dynamic, thus contributing to the inclusion of environmental issues in a cross-curricular manner, but also allowing the appropriation of the necessary elements in the professional exercise as an engineer. This way, three examples of work with system dynamics are presented which can be implemented with engineering students to introduce environmental concepts that were developed by the research line of Sciences of Complexity and Environment of Universidad Sergio Arboleda, with some of their engineering students. It is concluded that the use of System Dynamics in the teaching of environmental concepts acts as a guideline that connects different fields of knowledge required for understanding the planet's current environmental situation, thus becoming a transdisciplinary tool in engineering.

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