How to Cite
Márquez Acero, Ángela S., & Vidal García, J. M. (2011). Research Imaginaries. Reflections on the analysis of strategic documents in Colombia. Luna Azul, (33), 37–45. Retrieved from


Ángela Sabrina Márquez Acero
Universidad de caldas
Juan Manuel Vidal García
Universidad de caldas



Scientific and technological development which began during the eighteenth century and that continue to this day, allowed man to subdue and exploit nature in order to meet his biological and cultural needs. During this process, science and research have been seen as a fundamental driving foce for development. However human excesses in the use of technological advances have caused huge environmental problems. Nevertheless, scientific research continues to have an excellent reputation and is one of the great commitments man has to reverse (at this point mitigate) the great environmental imbalance we have caused. This approach has opened the possibility to investigate the environmental from a holistic and systemic vision. This paper analyzes how integrated environmental research is in National Research Policies. In order to do this the National Science, Technology and Innovation Policy (NSTIP) and the National Strategic Plan for Environmental Research (NSPER), developed by Colciencias and the Ministry of Environment, Housing and Territorial Development (MEHTD) respectively are taken as reference. As a result of this comparative analysis, an accentuated conceptual and methodological breaking up between National Research Policies proposed by Colciencias and Plans and Environmental Research Strategies proposed by the Ministry of Environment (MEHTD) was established as the main conclusion.

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