DOI: 10.17151/10.17151/luaz.2015.41.3
How to Cite
Monje Carvajal, J. J. (2015). Colombian indigenous peoples’ life plan, a structure of ethno-eco development. Revista Luna Azul (On Line), (41), 29–56.


Jhon Jairo Monje Carvajal
Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios


The reality on the formal rights of indigenous people on collective territories is far from being adjusted to what is set out by the Constitution of Colombia regarding quality of life and fulfillment of their right to autonomy. Serious problems that threaten their territories, tranquility, peace and survival still remain. The almost non-existent coverage of basic needs like health, education, food and shelter due to the lack ot inclusion in the municipal development plans of these communities, with the excuse that their territories are given their own economic resources, threaten the survival of these groups and turn their territories into war, conflict and individual interests zones. This is reflected in the national reality and neither social nor political awareness exist that this is an act of racial discrimination. Methodological alternatives on how to build life plans tighter to their reality with many alternatives to the cohesion of these indigenous communities in the formulation of municipalities development plans containing such collective territories then arise, which are constructed after a deep analysis from a perspective different to economic models derived from their own life moments with a construction process tighter to their cultures, both environmental and social in their territories. The result is a series of strategies that would be, so far, a tighter approach to such realities, from agroecology approaches to an approximation of what would be the ethno-eco development.

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