How to Cite
Monje Carvajal, J. J. (2011). Agroecology: a frame of reference to understand its processes in research and praxis. Revista Luna Azul (On Line), (32), 128–134. Retrieved from


Jhon Jairo Monje Carvajal
Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios



Agroecology is a theoretical referent that serves as general orientation for the ecological agricultural experiences from the local sphere for the strengthening of production systems with all due respect for the ecological and social structures. From this foundation, the need to gain spaces in academic fields and research institutions has generated, in order to enrich the epistemological bases of Agroecology by means of scientific investigation, searching for a change in  he scientific paradigm. Agroecology is considered a social movement without ignoring that the results consolidate the support for academic scientific research. Consequently, the interaction between research in Agroecology and the agro-ecological movements are its challenge that, so far, has not expressed the need for studies without making a division between the reductionist methods of the conventional scientific paradigm and the systemic and holistic approaches to Agroecology, searching for consideration of integrated studies circulating in the complexity of natural and social systems. In order to understand the Agroecology approaches and the research formulation, it is necessary to know the conceptual bases. Thus, Agroecology as a research approach has as a premise to have a social formulation supported in participation movements for the construction of knowledge from ancestral experiences or social and ecological co-evolution principles.

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 Acevedo, Alvaro (2004). Agricultura sustentable. Principios, estrategias y prácticas. Bogotá: Ed La Silueta.

 Canuto, João C. (1998). Agricultura Ecológica en Brasil: perspectivas socio ecológicas. Tesis de Doctorado en Agronomía. Universidad de Córdoba. Córdoba. España.

 Caporal, Francisco R., y Costabeber, J. A. (2004). Agroecología: algunas conceitos e principios. Brasília D.F., Brasil. Ministerio do Desenvolvimiento Agrario – Secretaria da Agricultura Familiar – DATER: IICA.

 Funtowicz, Silvio O, y Ravetz, Jerome R. (2000). La ciencia pos normal: ciencia con la gente. Barcelona, España: Icaria Editorial.

 Gliessman, Stephen. (1998). Agroecología: procesos ecológicos en agricultura sostenible. Boca Ratón, Florida. EE.UU.: Lewis/CRC Press.

 Guzmán Casado, G., González de Molina, M., y Sevilla Guzmán, E. (2000). Introducción a la Agroecología como desarrollo rural sostenible. Madrid, España: Mundi-prensa.

 Mendez, Ernesto, Gliessman, Stephen (2002). Un enfoque interdisciplinario para la investigación en agroecología y desarrollo rural en el trópico latinoamericano. En manejo integrado de plagas y agroecología No 64. Costa Rica. p5-16.

 Monje, Jhon J. (Enero-Junio 2007). Retos de la Agroecología en las regiones colombianas. Revista Luna Azul, 24: 68-73. Manizales: Universidad de Caldas. Obtenido el día 20, agosto, 2010., desde

 Montserrat, P. (1988). Los Sistemas Agrarios. Mecanografiado L. Wordpress, 245b.

 Sevilla Guzmán, Eduardo (2006). De la sociología rural a la agroecología. Barcelona España: Icaria Editores.


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