How to Cite
Jaramillo E., L. G., & Aguirre G., J. C. (2010). The metaphor of no-place. Revista Luna Azul (On Line), (31), 75 – 85. Retrieved from


Luis Guillermo Jaramillo E.
Universidad de Cauca
Juan Carlos Aguirre G.
Universidad de Cauca



The purpose of this writing is to explore the Levinasian no-place metaphor, in order to clarify its meanings as well as to critically evaluate its pertinence under the light of contemporary reflections. In order to do this, we will contextualize the Levinasian proposal around the no-place, especially under the concepts of sensitivity, proximity, and infinite; we will reconstruct some Levinas’s critiques which we will call “philosophies of the coming back home”, and finally we will suggest some aspects in which the Jew philosopher theses might be pertinent. This last purpose will be accompanied by a social research carried out about this issue.

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