How to Cite
Mora Delgado, J. ., Montoya Greenheck, F. ., & Ramírez Martínez, C. . (2009). Perceptions, local knowledge and expectations of coffee farmers in Puriscal, Costa Rica. Revista Luna Azul (On Line), (29), 10–17. Retrieved from


Jairo Mora Delgado
Universidad de caldas
Felipe Montoya Greenheck
Carlos Ramírez Martínez



This study aims to systematization ofcapture the experience of both perceptions and local knowledge of a Peasant community from Costa Rica, mainly, about his on their vision and expectation on the coffee growingth activity. Interview iIn- depth interviews were done carried out to inquiry perceptions on current state of coffee production systems and expectations at regarding future of coffee  roductiongrowers. Interviews were applieds in 39 coffee farms of Cantón of Puriscal, Costa Rica. This study used methods and techniques from qualitative approaches such as likethe grounded theory and the systematization of experiences. The issues treated were related with to three topics: present and future state of coffee production systems; opinions on organic coffee production systems, and training expectations and requirements of training. Even though the most statements suggested a pessimistic attitude in frontregarding the crisis of coffee productionactivity, almostready half of producers noted an optimistic attitude towardsin front of the future. The mMost of the systemized statements evidenced an optimistic attitude regardingin front organic coffee production system. The mostmajority of expectations systematized indicate the need requirements of training in about both management of organic fertilizers management and disease control of diseases. 

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