How to Cite
Quemba, R. ., Moreno, L. ., Puentes, . D. ., Avella, F. ., & Alza, W. . (2009). Preparation of a concentrate for poultry use from revalued waste from the food industry. Luna Azul, (28), 41–45. Retrieved from


Rubiela Quemba
Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia
Lorena Moreno
Doris Puentes
Francy Avella
William Alza



The food industry produces waste with potentially useful nutritional content, but the debris produced in the slaughterhouses, due to the lack of ability to benefit from it, is discarded. However, the residues generated from the potato processing industry are used as fertilizer. Moreover, the sugarcane residue in La Paz (Santander) becomes treacle which has a carbohydrate content of 3%. This project revalued the cattle blood to obtain blood meal with a protein content of 25%, the ruminal content presents 3% fat and 2% fiber. The latter was mixed with treacle and potato skins containing 3% fiber and 10% protein or with blood meal to produce a 3:3:4 ratio revalorized subproduct. The cattle blood was processed into blood meal by means of dehydration and cooking; the rumen content was integrated by means of anoxic fermentation with treacle and flour (potato skin) (ratio 3:3:4 / 4:3:3). This subproduct, called ruminasa, will be tested as feed for creole chickens in a study that integrates the sugarcane agro-industry, two slaughterhouses and a potato industry. The results will offer a work alternative for the meat industry personnel who will become unemployed once the law 1122 of 2007 is applied. It will also allow the preparation of bird feed technically and economically accessible to farmers in the region by means of regional. revalued residues.

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