How to Cite
Torres Merchan, N. Y., & Sarmiento, Y. C. (2009). Study of vascular plants in lands adjacent to the limestone deposits in Nobsa, Boyacá. Colombia. Revista Luna Azul (On Line), (29), 37–53. Retrieved from


Nidia Yaneth Torres Merchan
Universidad de Boyacá
Yeimmy Consuelo Sarmiento
Universidad Nacional de Colombia



The present study was performed on lands belonging to in the grounds of Acerias Paz del Rio cCompany in the areas of Chameza, Belencito and Malsitio, which have been used for mining,; so therefore, the company must implement environmental management plans in which the that contemplate the restoration is carried out with regional species of the region. , whyThis research was conducted in order to study the richness and floristic composition of the layersstratum, together with the characterization Pphysiognomic characterization, by means of calculating the coverage, the basal area, importance value index (IVI) and physiognomic dominance index (IPFPDI), based on the sampling of individuals in 20 plots of 10 m x 10 m for a total of a 2000 m2 area in question. Where they found 51 families, 130 genera and 149 species were found. The sector with the lowest abundance in families, genera and species is Chameza with percentages of: 30% for families, genera and species with 27.7%, and species with to 27%. The most diverse family at the genus- level gender iswas Asteraceaea with 22%. The sector Malsitio sector which waspresented the highest number of species 113, followed by Belencito with106, and finally Belencito with Chameza with 81. For the sub-arboreal and arboreal stratums, subarbóreo and found that the species with the highest importance value index and (IVI) andphysiognomic dominance index (PDI)of IPF was Escallonia pendula 212 (IPF) and 204 (IVIPDI). In tThe previous study contributeds to the proper implementation of restoration plans in areas that have been exploited for itstheir mineral wealth.

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