How to Cite
Holguín, V. A., Piñeros, R., Silva, K. ., Sánchez, M. I., & Mora Delgado, J. . (2009). Agronomic indicators of the Vidal grass Bothriochloa Saccharoides) under simulated shade in the warm Magdalena Valley, Tolima (Colombia). Revista Luna Azul (On Line), (29), 32–36. Retrieved from


Vilma A Holguín
Universidad de caldas
Roberto Piñeros
Kelly Silva
María Isabel Sánchez
Jairo Mora Delgado



Silver Bluestern (Bothriochloa saccharoides) grass could be is a good feeding option managed under tropical silvopastoral systems, becausesince it is tolerant to a high degree of tree coverage; however, this grass has not been sufficiently studied. This study aimed to analyze agronomic indicators and other characteristics from of Bothriochloa saccharoides under two levels of simulated shade: 30%; 50% and total exhibition to sun radiation (0% of shade). Production of dry matter of the Bothriochloa saccharoides, duringin the humid season was 3.47, 3.0 and 5.56 ton/ha, and induring the dry season it was 2.33, 2.44 and 2.5 ton/ha, for the simulated coverage of 50%, 30% and control test, respectively. There are not significant differences (p <= 0.05) between treatments; it, which suggests a potentiality from use for this grass to use it in pastures with trees. These results demonstrated a similar productive performance under different simulated shade conditions, that which makinges it a tolerant grass to the shade and a good option in silvopastoral systems.

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