How to Cite
Suárez, N. del C. ., Peña, O. D. ., & Amaya, A. . (2007). Growing potatoes in complicity with nature. Revista Luna Azul (On Line), (24), 1 de 12. Retrieved from


Nelly del Carmen Suárez
Universidad de caldas
Oscar Darío Peña
Alexander Amaya


The recovery of ancestral knowledge associated with traditional production systems is part of reflection processes and an encounter that are carried out by professionals of agriculture and producers. Its purpose is to reaffirm the importance and the value that this knowledge has in the construction of proposals of agricultural practices that recover and conserve life, considering the cultural roots of the men and women who daily practice agriculture. The potato crop in the Letras-Cerro Bravo Moor has its origin in ancestral cultural agricultural practices of the Cundinamarca-Boyaca region. The inhabitants of this region are tied from a very early age to the potato crop and have developed during the course of time abilities and skills, which have been maintained until present times. Formerly, there wasn’t an area determined for the potato crop, nor the presence of plagues and diseases (except Phitophtora infestans ) due to the agroecological conditions that the zone presented at that time and to the seed varieties, therefore there wasn’t a dependency of agricultural products.

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