The researches carried out so far on the marine macroalgae of Colombia, have resulted in the identification of 374 species: 290 in the Caribbean, and 84 in the Pacific. This has permitted that after a wide and ambitious series of researches have been developed, the taxonomic, bio-ecological, physical-chemical, bio-medical and their industrial utility knowledge has advanced. Four institutions have led these national efforts in favor of having enough arguments for the ample and controlled production: 1. The Universidad del Magdalena has carried out diverse efforts to evaluate the possible industrial use of the algae as well as the cultivations that could replace the necessary quantity of raw materials, using the Grateloupia filicina. 2. The Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano that has revealed some characteristics of the evaluated ecosystems, as well as the specific characteristics and the reproduction periods in the Santa Marta (Magdalena) and the Cartagena (Bolívar) region. 3. The Institute for the Research of Biological Resources Alexander von Humboldt is evaluating the feasibility of the Euchema isiforme and Kappaphycus alvarezii cultivations in association with the Wayúu indigenous communities in a sector of Km 25 between Cabo de la Vela and Alema (Guajira). 4. The Universidad del Valle that has worked in detail on the ecological and physiologic aspects of the Pacific algae, especially those associated to the swamp ecosystem Bostrychia calliptera and Catenella impudica.
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