How to Cite
Jaramillo Plitt, J. (2005). Environmental education could save an endangered species: the mount anón, raimondia cherimolioides (triana and plankton) r.e. fries. Revista Luna Azul (On Line), (20), 1 de 5. Retrieved from


José Jaramillo Plitt
Universidad de caldas



Anonaceas are a productive promising resource of a group of compounds called acetogenines which nave antineoplasic, as well as antibiotic properties; they also have antihelmintic and antiparasitary effects. Wild Anon ( Raimondia cherimolioides) is an enormous promise to control cancer or even to cure it if the treatment is initiated early. Scantiness of the plant has limited the possibilities of this research that is because just a few specimens have been found and it is considered in such a very advanced extinction state. Works of geoposition of the plant were started by using a global positioning system (GPS) via satellite; their reproduction by different methods and after that consider the possibility of create crops of the plant in order to get enough materials for the production of acetogenines. There is also described an effective method of wild anon reproduction which could obtain 550 plants ready to transplant 150 of them were scattered on a wild forest near Tesorito Farm that belongs to Caldas University. Some seeds were selected to create a germoplasm bank and they were geographically located in Caldas and Tolima departments with potentially in vitro reproduction alternatives.

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