How to Cite
Carballo Penela, A. . (2005). A review of the current economic growth model: analysis of its environmental problems and social inequalities. Revista Luna Azul (On Line), (20), 1 de 14. Retrieved from


Adolfo Carballo Penela
Universidad de caldas



Actual economic growing model has been created without considering ecologic restrictions of our planet, acting as if this were unlimited. In that re-created world, where enviromental resources are abundant, there is no limit to human activities. Nevertheless, real world is limited, with limited resources as well and a rapidly growing population that is why it is needed a growing model that takes in count enviromental restrictions in order to take decisions. The objective of this article is to show two different proposals that configure distinct models thought to confront safely two of the main challenges that the human being have to over come. They are: enviromental affairs and social inequality. Both models start for one unique objective; deferring on the space cast across for pursuing, being interesting the analysis of realized proposals.

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