How to Cite
Molinet, J. (2008). Theory of social choice: Social welfare functions and enforcement mechanisms. Kenneth J. Arrow y Leonid Hurwicz. Jurídicas, 5(1), 57–93. Retrieved from


Jonathan Molinet
Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO). Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM)


We live in a world divided into States, where States have been formed by individuals. In some of these states, social elections explicitly depend on individual choices. In these states, like ours, there are two major problems: how are individual choices connected to social choices?, and how to implement the obtained social elections. For example, via the rule of majority, a society chooses a welfare project. Then, by means of the division of powers, government levels and the governmental organization itself, the corresponding policies are associated with particular mechanisms that must execute them. At both levels, there are provisions obliging to collectively choose targets and ways to achieve them. In this perspective, the article begins with preliminary examination of some issues on both levels to define a wide version of the social choice theory. Some examples, in this very preliminary level, suggest the extension of the theory.

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