How to Cite
Jaramillo Marín, J. (2010). The political space in Habermas. scope and limitations of the public sphere and deliberative politics notions. Jurídicas, 7(1), 55–73. Retrieved from


Jefferson Jaramillo Marín
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana


One of the substantive contributions made to the social sciences by the sociologist Jürgen Habermas has been the understanding of how individuals process their social and political experience in society from the communicative action. From this perspective, this article reflects about the use they make of the “public sphere” and “deliberative politics” categories, which allows them to politically anchor the communicative action and to give a more substantive and public content to the notion of normative consensus which is central to Habermas’s work. This article points out how the construction of spaces and spheres for deliberation among the citizens has its scope and limitations in certain political contexts and situations.

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