Objectives: To provide empirical evidence to the strategy of promoting reading in their restorative dimension from the theoretical conceptions of Michèle Petit. Materials and methods: Qualitative, descriptive, retrospective study based on the records of the interventions conducted by the Reading Promotion Team between August 2014 and August 2016. The strategy was carried out through three modalities: free book loan, reading aloud and artistic productions, in an admission context in units 5 and 6 of the Medical Clinic Services at Hospital General de Agudos Dr. Enrique Tornú. The registration tool is participative, open and systematic. The technique used for registration and standardization is the vignette which aims to reflect what was expressed by the participants. Results: The reparative effects of the reading promotion strategy are highlighted in two dimensions: the development of an intimate space within a public space and the subjectivation of the process. The results were reached from the categorization and analysis of the concepts developed by Michèle Petit. Conclusions: it was possible to provide empirical evidence to the reading promotion strategy in hospital admission context. The vignette technique is seen as pertinent for this strategy.
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