Objective: To discover the professors’ expressions related to self care in comprehensive education at Universidad de Caldas, Manizales, between 2008 and 2010. Method: An interpretive-qualitative study in which meaning and sense that comprehensive education has for the professors and their relation with self care, are investigated. Work unit: 34 professors; analysis unit: expressions provided by professors in focal groups. Informed consent from the participants was requested. Analysis categories: Being, knowledge, being aware of, acting and interacting. Findings and discussion: “I start from the supposition that it is the students’ negotiating ability which allows them to self-regulate. This capacity implies a human dimension because it is a requirement, as well as it is the cognitive ability, which must be integrated as a particular life condition to work in the complexity of cognitive and executive functions. The capacity to self-govern allows me to manage my own life and place myself having all possibilities at hand.” It seems to be that the problem of self care refers to the conscience of what life, body, health, and welfare are all about, including all spheres that constitute the human beings. Conclusion: comprehensive education is achieved by means of an educational process; it indicates those actions directed to the future which educate and involve professors. This is to say what includes the way in which a person teaches. It allows the enrichment of committed people in the sense that they guide students towards the perfectionism of their qualities and virtues. Professors highlight the importance of their academic actions as an emulator for the students.
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