How to Cite
Carreño Dueñas, D., Rojas Benjumea, A., Valero Cárdenas, H., & Restrepo Restrepo, F. A. (2009). The body in virtual philosophy. Discusiones Filosóficas, 10(14), 119–132. Retrieved from


Dalia Carreño Dueñas
Universidad Santo Tomás
Alejandro Rojas Benjumea
Universidad Santo Tomás
Humberto Valero Cárdenas
Universidad Santo Tomás
Fr. Arturo Restrepo Restrepo
Universidad Santo Tomás


The following article takes part of a research developed by Humanistic and Social Research Group of Universidad Santo Tomás titled: "Reflection towards the construction of a humanist model of online education". This article is part of a critical reflection of traditional conception of body to make philosophical analysis Levy's ideas on this issue. Sartre, Baudrillard, Merleau-Ponty, Schopenhauer and Lipovezky's ideas about the difficulties on the idea of body are used. Among other things, when it is taken as something external, as a thing. Besides, it is given an inferior quality, dignity and condition in relation to the spirit, soul or pshychism or conscience. A new reality of the human being, a virtual one, seems to work in a change in the difference between subject and object. This difference stated the way of being and understanding, the reality and knowledge of humankind for a long time. This possibility is the one that has been considered in the article.

Baudrillard, J. (1997). El otro por sí mismo. Barcelona: Anagrama.

________. (2000). Las estrategias fatales. Barcelona: Anagrama.

________. (2004). El sistema de los objetos. México: Siglo Veintiuno Editores.

Lévy, P. (1999). ¿Qué es lo virtual? Barcelona: Paidós Ibérica.

Lipovetsky, G. (2006). La era del vacío. Barcelona: Anagrama.

MERLEAU-Ponty, M. (1957). Fenomenología de la percepción. Buenos Aires: Fondo de Cultura Económico.

Sartre, J. P. (1993). Ser y la nada. Madrid: Sarpe.

Schopenhauer, A. (2004). El mundo como voluntad y representación. V. 2. Madrid: Trotta.
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