DOI: 10.17151/difil.2021.22.39.3
How to Cite
Forero Mora, J. A. ., & Giraldo Ceballos, L. I. . (2021). The brain, the self, and free will: A discussion between Llinás, Munévar and Searle. Discusiones Filosóficas, 22(39), 35–53.


José Andrés Forero Mora
Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios
Perfil Google Scholar
Laura I. Giraldo Ceballos
Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios
Perfil Google Scholar


This text aims at critically reviewing the relationships between the brain, the self and free will based on three theoretical proposals. In the first place,
the position of Llinás according to which the self, and with it the free will, is a myth is analyzed. In response to this negative position, the position of
Munévar, according to which the self should be understood as the brain in its complexity, is analyzed in the second place. In the third place, the naturalistic proposal of Searle according to which the self should not be understood as the activity of the brain as a whole but as a systemic property that emerges from it is analyzed. In both cases, the consequences that these positions have on the relationship between the brain and the self for free will are evaluated.

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