How to Cite
Alegre, J. (2012). Proposals and pragmatic differences on language as institution: Wittgenstein and Habermas. Discusiones Filosóficas, 13(21), 207–224. Retrieved from


Javier Alegre
Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (UNNE)


This article analyzes institutional conceptions of language of a pragmatic derivation within contemporary philosophy, focusing mainly in the works of Wittgenstein and in its re-appropriation and proposals by Habermas. After specifying the central tenets of the pragmatic turn we will tackle the conceptual axis and implications of the language games theory by the second Wittgenstein, as well as its reception and modification in the framework of Habermas's theory of communicative action. This comparative approach aims to analyze guidelines and consequences that result from both theories and, in a particular way, determine whether Habermas re-appropriation is able to retake the heuristic and theoretical power common to the institutionalist pragmatic conception of language initiated by Wittgenstein.

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