A few decades ago, philosophy of science was focused in logical and linguistic studies and based in the distinction between context of discovery and context of justification. Nowadays we know that science is human action, hence philosophy of science has a practical side that prevents a sharp separation between theoretical and practical reason. Fallibilism and reasonability in philosophy of science and hermeneutics are an example of such a view. Fallibilism has been considered as a methodology of exclusive use in philosophy of science, while reasonability has been considered as referring to morals and politics which belong to practical reason. However, both in philosophy of science as in hermeneutics fallibilism and reasonability are closely related, hence there is no separation between both disciplines. To illustrate this, I will proceed in four parts. In the first one, I discuss the main criticisms to the separation between theoretical and practical reason; in parts two and three, I will consider fallibilism and reasonability in the philosophy of science and the practical reason. In the last part, I will discuss the predictive character of reasonability in both disciplines.
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