DOI: 10.17151/difil.2019.20.34.7
How to Cite
Lythgoe, E. . (2019). The rise and fall of imagination in Heidegger. Discusiones Filosóficas, 20(34), 131–146.


Esteban Lythgoe
Universidad Argentina de la Empresa


Despite the key role that imagination plays in Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics, this concept ceased to be the object of analysis. The purpose of this paper is to explain the reasons for its rise and fall. Its boom is believed to be due to the fact that, with this concept Heidegger managed to carry out a positive ontology of the Kantian personalitas transcendentalis and articulate it with the personalitas moralis. Its disappearance, on the other hand, occurred because this imagination is ontologically spontaneous and, therefore, inconsistent with the concept of receptive finitude that will also be developed in this work. In other words, this disappearance is associated with a reconsideration of the conception of finitude by Dasein.

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