DOI: 10.17151/culdr.2024.29.37.2
How to Cite
Rodríguez Zoya, P. G. (2024). Medicamentalization of food and biomedicalization of feeding in the alimentary government of health. Cultura Y Droga, 29(37), 19–43.


Paula G. Rodríguez Zoya
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Perfil Google Scholar


This paper deals with feeding as a problem and strategy for health government. It aims to problematize the way in which food and feeding are invested with a medicalnutritional meaning, health criteria, and conceived as resources and practices to care and improve health. It is a work of a theoretical-conceptual reflection that has the purpose of developing a conceptual scheme as an epistemic contribution to the field of social studies of health, with interest in food and medicalization processes. The relationship between food and health is inscribed in the theoretical triad of biopolitics, governmentality and medicalization. The concept of alimentary government of health is elaborated as a general phenomenon that articulates two complementary technologies: the biomedicalization of feeding and the medicamentalization of food. Both technologies are analyzed, as well as their relations with the phenomena of pathologization, pharmacologization, moralization of health and the imperative of healthy eating and optimization of life. Its implications for feeding practices are addressed as a praxis that involves beliefs, habits, knowledge, effects of power and subjective dispositions about food and diet. The conclusions are reflexive and point out the contributions in terms of objectification of these phenomena and reflexivity on biomedicalized feeding and medicamentalized foods on the horizon of the alimentary government of health and life.

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