DOI: 10.17151/culdr.2023.28.36.7
How to Cite
Duarte, J. M. (2023). Latin American medicine: The divergent pharmaceutical paths of Argentina and Mexico (1910-2022). Cultura Y Droga, 28(36), 157–180.


Juan Manuel Duarte
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Perfil Google Scholar


Few countries in Latin America managed to consolidate a pharmaceutical-chemical complex during the 20th century. In Argentina and Mexico, it would not be until the middle of the 20th century that the sector would experience its peak. The history of recent decades has caused the paths of these two Latin American nations to diverge. While in Argentina the branch avoided the imperatives of the Washington consensus and began the new millennium with a productive structure with the predominance of
national capital, in Mexico the adhesion to the GATT and incorporation into NAFTA improved the productivity of the sector at the expense of ceding positions to foreign capital. The main characteristics of the production of medicines in these countries, at the level of the productive structure, and considering the insertion of these countries in the world market, will be traced. At the same time, the trajectory of the sector in recent decades will be critically replaced. The nineties are seen by some literature as a dark period for the Latin American industry. It is necessary then to study how certain national capitals managed not only to survive, but to consolidate and expand in that period. To do this, it will be necessary to avoid confusing a process of capital concentration –characteristic of all activities around the world- with the so-called “de-industrialization”.

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