DOI: 10.17151/culdr.2022.27.34.6
How to Cite
Geneyro Saldombide, C., Bielli, A., & Rodríguez Otero, V. (2022). The use of antidepressants in biomedical subjection/subjectification processes. Cultura Y Droga, 27(34), 123–145.


Carolina Geneyro Saldombide
Universidad de la República
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Andrea Bielli
Universidad de la República
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Virginia Rodríguez Otero
Universidad de la República
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This article analyzes the place that psychopharmaceuticals have in the pharmaceutical management of the so called mental health problems. The normalizing strategies of biopolitical management carried out with antidepressants in health institutions and the various positions adopted by users against them are described in this work. The data was collected through ethnography carried out at the State Health Services Administration (ASSE for its acronym in Spanish) in Montevideo (Uruguay) between 2018-2019. From a critical perspective that collects the heuristic value of the concepts of Foucault about government and biopolitics is argued that antidepressants, as well as techno-scientific devices contain a matrix of specific meanings for the understanding of psychic suffering in a biomedical key. This biomedical rationality also rivals the multiple uses of both, users and consumers, and the meanings that they confer on them, accounting for the incessant opening of subjective processes in the face of the knowledge-powers that their organizations propose. 

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