How to Cite
Romero Miranda, A. (2016). Legislation of the cannabis auto-cultivation in Chile: its impact on the life of children with parents in prison. Cultura Y Droga, 21(23), 34–54. Retrieved from


Alejandro Romero Miranda
Universidad La República


Objective. To investigate, from the symbolic interactionism, the mothers' perception of children participating in the "Abriendo Caminos Program" of the Ministry of Social Development of the Chilean Region of the Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins on the risks and opportunities for their children to decriminalize auto-cultivation of marijuana, as well as the consequences of this in their family trajectories. Methodology. The present research is qualitative descriptive exploratory section. This research is based on interviews with 14 women between January and March 2015. Results and Conclusions. As main conclusions are drawn, the danger that the participants in the dynamic father-children visualize due to the presence of the plant inside the home and the negative familiarization that this income entails for the children and the roles of its members; Which would favor antisocial and criminal trajectories such as those of their parents; All because of a story that contrasts with the vision of freedom and equality that proclaim other socially observable speeches.

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