DOI: 10.17151/culdr.2020.25.29.9
How to Cite
Romaní, O. (2020). Science and drug policies : sociocultural context, neuropolitic and social control. Cultura Y Droga, 25(29), 183–207.


Oriol Romaní

Doctor en Antropología Cultural. Profesor Emérito, Medical Anthropology Research Center (MARC), URV
Tarragona (España).

Medical Anthropology Research Center (MARC)


The objective of this work is to show the distances between complex scientific perspectives and prohibitionist drug policies, although these are justified on the basis of supposedly scientific approaches. The methodology consists in analyzing the issue from two strategic aspects: on the one hand, reviewing the hypothesis of addiction as a brain disease, and on the other hand, contrasting the main institutional reports on cannabis with hegemonic policies in the twentieth century. The results highlight the limitations of the addiction hypothesis as brain disease, as well as differences between what is indicated by the reports and prohibitionist policies on cannabis. The conclusions underline that the inconsistencies between science and drug policies must be understood in the context of their uses in relation to social control and their transformations, from one of a coercive and institutional type, to neuro-politics, based on individual performance.

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