How to Cite
Arango M., M. C., Isaza Mejía, G., Bohórquez Ríos, A., López Pozo, R. H., & Chica Chica, L. F. (2005). -. Biosalud, 4, 56–66. Retrieved from


María Cristina Arango M.
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Gustavo Isaza Mejía
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Alfredo Bohórquez Ríos
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Richar Henry López Pozo
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Luis Fernando Chica Chica
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


The present investigation evaluated, in normal rats, the subacute toxicity of Zebrina pendula that was administering dairy, during 30 days, aqueous extracts of the plant to a group of animals and distilled water to a control group; The dose used were one-hundred fifty times higher than the one used empirically by diabetics type II. Test of glucose, hemoleukogram, hepatic function (AST and ALT) and renal (urea and creatinine), as well as an autopsy and hystopathologic exam No differences were found in the hematologic exams or in hepatic and renal function test in the group that received Zebrina pendula, in comparison to the control group. There also were not any differences between the treated and control group in reference to pulmonary alterations that arosed in the mayority of the (pulmonary congestion and bronchitis), nor the renal alterations (early tubular degeneration and protein cylinder). Three animals, two of them were affected by pulmonary alterations in the treated group, presented hepatic congestion, edema and hepatocyt dissociation. For the results obtained in the investigation, it possible to conclude that the aquouse extracts of Zebrina pendula have low subacute toxicity.

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