DOI: 10.17151/biosa.2016.15.1.8
How to Cite
Valencia, M. H. ., & Osorio, J. H. . (2016). Methodology for characterization of human gait variables using an underwater register system: ankle. Biosalud, 15(1), 72–80.


Mauricio Hernando Valencia
Centro de Rehabilitación Integral Teletón
José Henry Osorio
Universidad de Manizales


Using a robotic system which is made of a chain and mobile platform system on the floor of gait tank, which adjusts the final position of a sub-aquatic camera, it was possible to carry out gait analysis and subsequent calculation of joint angles in an aquatic environment of four voluntary persons. The filtrated plantar flexion angle of the ankle during the rocking phase of the sub-aquatic gait cycle is higher in females (122.7 ± 1.1) than in males (118.4 ± 2.5). The filtered dorsiflexion angle of the ankle during the stance phase of the sub-aquatic gait cycle shows slight differences being higher in men (85.2 ± 2.5) than in females (85.0 ± 1.0). In conclusion, it is possible to quantify kinematic variables of human gait (angular ankle parameters) in healthy individuals using videophotogrammetry as a computerized system for capturing sub-aquatic images in the gait tank.

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