How to Cite
Guevara Garay, L. A. ., Gómez Botero, J. C. ., & Ávila Londoño, L. E. . (2012). Supplementation Frequency and Ruminal pH in cattle. Revista Veterinaria Y Zootecnia (On Line), 6(2), 125–133. Retrieved from


Luz Andrea Guevara Garay
Juan Carlos Gómez Botero
Luis Edwin Ávila Londoño


ABSTRACT: The following article carries out the review and analysis of the effect on the ruminal pH resulting to the offer fractional supplementation in more than two meals a day, and identifies the findings of different authors on the relationship between the ruminal pH and dry matter intake in cattle. The inclusion of non-structural carbohydrate-rich diets reduce the ruminal pH, decline that is more intense when the carbohydrates are included in great volume and in a short time. There is no consistency in research about whether the ruminal pH decrease affects dry matter intake; contradictory results were found in this respect. The increase in food frequency helps regulate the ruminal pH, but it has no effect on the voluntary intake in cattle.

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