DOI: 10.17151/vetzo.2017.11.1.3
How to Cite
Melo-Camacho, E. P. ., Bermúdez-Loaiza, J. A. ., & Estrada Álvarez, J. . (2017). Silage of whole oranges (Citrus sinensis) as supplement for ruminants feeding. Revista Veterinaria Y Zootecnia (On Line), 11(1), 24–36.


Edna Paola Melo-Camacho
Universidad de Caldas
Jaime Alberto Bermúdez-Loaiza
Universidad de Caldas
Julián Estrada Álvarez
Universidad de Caldas


The orange residues (shells) have been used in nonconventional feed for ruminants, through their conservation by means of silage, fermentation method of cellulosic materials, which converts soluble carbohydrates into organic acids and water, allowing the product to be conserved; however, no trials of silage of whole fruits of orange have been reported, so that the nutritive value of the juice can be conserved without generating the negative impact of the effluents. In this study a ton is ensiled of whole orange in plastic containers and was determined pH, humidity, dry matter, total nitrogen, protein gross, total fat, crude fiber, total ashes, phosphorus, potassium; calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc and crude energy, at 22, 29 and 45 days of anaerobic conditions. Analyzing the compositional quality variables over time, it was concluded that it is feasible to silage whole fruits of orange, to feeding ruminants without offering negative effects of leaching (losses of nutrients) and highlighting them energy contribution for the animal.

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