DOI: 10.17151/vetzo.2020.14.1.6
How to Cite
Mejía-Hernández, C. M. . (2020). Strengthening rural education through the implementation of educational, associative, and rural development initiatives in the Dokabú and Kemberde communities . Revista Veterinaria Y Zootecnia (On Line), 14(1), 62–78.


Claudia Marcela Mejía-Hernández
Universidad de Caldas


Education in Colombia has been established as a fundamental constitutional right guaranteed by the state. Education and its implementation are a shared responsibility in which regional and municipal governments, as well as educational institutions and grassroots social organizations participate to contribute from their field of action to the quality of schooling in their municipalities and rural areas. Aims: To identify the different processes of rural development and associativity implemented to strengthen public education in the indigenous community of Ébera Katio of Santa Teresa’s village and the tri-ethnic community of the city of Santa Cecilia in Pueblo Rico, Risaralda. Methodology: The study is descriptive and cross-sectional, and it was conducted using a qualitative approach. Four study variables, including education–pedagogy, assistance–technical support, actors–allies, and participation spaces, were established to understand executed actions and the aspects to be improved in the development strategies of rural areas. Results: Among the most important findings, we were able to establish the vitality of promoting theoretical and practical knowledge processes in rural areas through the implementation of participative methodologies designed to invigorate the resources of the territory and to facilitate the participation of the Dokabú and Kemberde communities in a municipality in Pueblo Rico, Risaralda. Conclusions: By encouraging theoretical and practical knowledge processes in rural areas, it was possible to complement the required strategies to strengthen education and rural development in the region.

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