How to Cite
Martínez González, R. A. . (2013). School-family partnerships as a mean to promote positive parenting. Latinoamericana De Estudios De Familia, 5, 46–62. Retrieved from


Raquel Amaya Martínez González
Universidad de Caldas


Abstract: This paper refers to school-family partnership and to its potential to promote not only educational quality and efficacy in schools but also in the family. The European Council Recommendation (2006/19) on Policies to Promote Positive Parenting is mentioned to this regard. Also, a comparative study including four
Spanish schools with different characteristics is presented in order to identify the diversity of activities the schools offer to parents, and to encourage partnerships with families. The paper ends introducing the Programme-Guide to Develop Emotional, Educational and Parental Competences (Martínez González, 2009) as an educational resource to promote both quality in family dynamics and school-family partnerships.

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