DOI: 10.17151/rlef.2015.7.7
How to Cite
Arango Gaviria, L. G. (2015). Care, emotional work and market: the esthetic and corporal services. Latinoamericana De Estudios De Familia, 7, 99–120.


Luz Gabriela Arango Gaviria
Universidad Nacional de Colombia


Objective. To discuss about a labor sector in the field of personal care, namely care of the appearance and specifically the esthetic and corporal services of hairdressing and manicure. Methodology. Some of the paradoxes and tensions present between genders, care and market in the care of the appearance services in the cities of Bogota, Campinas and Belo Horizonte were examined from a gender perspective.  Results and conclusions. The reflection is organized around three themes: the effects of professionalization of hairdressing and manicure services on the work of women; the commercialization of emotions in the work of manicurists; and the remedial dimensions of hair care in ‘ethnic’ Brazilians beauty parlors.

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