DOI: 10.17151/luaz.2022.55.8
How to Cite
León De La Cruz, C. A. (2022). Environmental motivations of neighborhood self-management and municipal abandonment of district parks in JLO – Peru. Luna Azul, (55), 55, 104.


Carlos Alberto León De La Cruz
Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo
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The objective of this paper is to know the evolution of the process of neighborhood self-management of parks in districts of high urban density such as JLO - Perú, given the total or partial abandonment of the municipal government, both in its functions and in its neighborhood relations. 232 interviews were conducted with residents in homes adjacent to 30 parks (out of a total of 43) located in JLO. There was a realistic ethnographic research design with qualitative information regarding the evolution, experiences of social actors and their environmental motivations around the self-management of parks. Likewise, quantitative information was obtained characterizing social actors, their perceptions of neighborhood organizations, their role in caring for parks and their relationships with municipal actors. The results indicate a low neighborhood participation with an environmental role (5% of organizations), with 68% of parks in regular or poor condition. However, it is necessary to have social interaction, because it is associated in 85% with parks in good condition. The neighbors have no motivation to pay taxes to improve the parks, but to the need for more environmental education, in a district with a more individual than institutional environmental history.

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