How to Cite
Juliá, M. S. (2010). Aspects of environmental institutional development in Argentina. Revista Luna Azul (On Line), (31), 87–103. Retrieved from


Marta Susana Juliá
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


The current environmental problems demand action and answers from the institutions that are responsible for implementing the environmental policy and managing the environment in the territory of their competence. The typical dynamics of the environmental subject matter has set an institutional, political, administrative and legal answer rhythm of such nature that the theoretical construction from the Environmental Law has been, to say the least, left behind. It is in this sense that, in view of the scarce background referred to legal-institutional studies in Argentina in relation with the environmental or ecological matter -understood as an urgent political problem,- we decided to intend different theoretical developments and data surveys capable to throw a light upon this situation in our territory. In this work we will specify, in first place, ideas such as public environmental management and environmental institutionalism. Secondly, we will see to what we call “new environmental National order.” In this framework we will deal with what appears as its direct impact in the national and provincial legislative sanction, but mainly in the national environmental institutions and the different provincial jurisdictions2. For the purposes of this last point, we will explain the different institutional models developed which allowed us to characterize the state-owned public organisms and their development. Finally, we will make a reference to the importance of the interjurisdictional coordination in environmental matters. By the same token, it is worth noting that this work is registered within the framework of an innovative research line in the Judicial-Environmental Studies in Argentina. It intends to deal with ecological problems from the Law but without neglecting the specificity and complexity of the environmental issues.

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• Etchichury, H.J. (2006). Tres enfoques sobre el derecho al medio ambiente. Córdoba: Lerner.

• Juliá, M.S. y del Campo, M.C. (2007). ¿La coordinación interinstitucional: un factor condicionante para la gobernabilidad del agua? Trabajo presentado en el II Congreso Pampeano del Agua, General Pico, La Pampa.

• Juliá, M.S.; del Campo, C. y Foa Torres, J. (2009). La institucionalización ambiental en Argentina. Córdoba: Lerner.

• Ozlak, O. (1980). Políticas Públicas y Regímenes Políticos: Reflexiones a partir de algunas experiencias Latinoamericanas. Documento de Estudios CEDES, Vol. 3 No. 2. Buenos Aires. p. 4.


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