How to Cite
Giraldo Betancur, P. C., & Salinas Mejía, J. A. (2009). Application of the model of production systems and livelihoods to a rural case of the department of Risaralda. Luna Azul, (28), 69–85. Retrieved from


Paulo César Giraldo Betancur
Universidad de caldas
John Alexander Salinas Mejía
Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira



This article is the product of the application of the Livelihoods methodology, which is the result of calculating the indicators that make up the human, social, financial, physical and environmental capitals, by measuring land and producers’ resources in an agroecological exploration located in the department of Risaralda, Colombia. This perspective hopes to contribute to the update of the knowledge in this field, and to the creation of new models of this methodology that could be applied later on; as well as opening the approach to criticism from different interdisciplinary positions. The study is located within the framework
of the Rural Societies Master's program at the Universidad de Caldas, the setting of reflections that are the product of an ongoing research.

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