How to Cite
Rosero Moreno, M. ., Enriquez Brand, A. L. ., Rodríguez Martínez, G., & Chamorro Bolaños, X. . (2010). Assembly and validation of the method of analysis by combustion and detection by non-dispersive infrared for the determination of total organic carbon (cot) in water. Luna Azul, (30), 10–23. Retrieved from


Milton Rosero Moreno
Alba Lucy Enriquez Brand
Goria Rodríguez Martínez
Ximena Chamorro Bolaños



The combustion analysis technique and non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) detection was validated for the determination of organic matter in water, quantified as total organic carbon (TOC). Previously, the elimination of inorganic carbon (IC) of the sample with an optimum time of 1.5 min and an acid ratio of 5% was optimized. A linear dynamic range (LDR) between 3 and 20 mg/L of TOC was established, in which the regression line met the parameters that credited its linearity as analyzed by the least squares method, showing a correlation coefficient of 0,9994. The sensitivity expressed by the slope of the regression line indicated a variation of about 5 units in the detector response for each mg/L of TOC. The detection and quantification limits obtained from the regression line were 0.517 and 1.722 mg/L of TOC, respectively. The precision of the technique, aiming at 5% coefficient of variation (CV), was better in the drinking water at concentrations close to it (about 7 mg/L of TOC), whereas larger deviations were presented at concentrations near the lower and upper limits of LDR. The recoveries of known concentrations of real added samples of 85% with low added values, and 83% with high added values that suggest a reevaluation of the performance of the technique with respect to its accuracy, however the recovery goal was reached between 70 to 130%. The technique established is thereby capable of analyzing untreated, drinking and waste water and its use is feasible in monitoring advanced oxidation processes applied in the treatment of drinking water.

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