DOI: 10.17151/luaz.2021.53.8
How to Cite
Agudelo Salazar, P. A. ., & Jaramillo García, O. A. . (2021). Interpretation of the way in which the artistic assemblages mobilize the subjective modes of living of the members of the Al Ritmo de la Basura group. Revista Luna Azul (On Line), (53), 125–145.


Paola Andrea Agudelo Salazar
Secretaría de Educación de Pereira
Perfil Google Scholar
Oscar Armando Jaramillo García
Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
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Introduction: The environmental crisis is evident through the increase in the rates of contamination and loss of biodiversity. Alongside with this situation, different organizations and artistic collectives arise as a way of protest against the imminent catastrophe caused by the dynamics of capitalist development. Objective: To interpret the way in which artistic assemblages impact the subjective ways of living of the members of the musical-environmental group Al Ritmo de la Basura. Methodology: The development of this research is carried out from a qualitative research approach, taking the method of phenomenology of “poetic living”, built from the Latin American environmental thought that invites to understand the world as a network-weft-fabric blurring the dualistic idea imposed by the Western subject-object reason which has allowed domination over nature. Results: Three categories of analysis were proposed: (1) assembling, which made it possible to identify how the group had assembled with elements of different nature and found their line of flight in the search for a solution from education to the environmental crisis; (2) Inhabiting the earth, where it was highlighted that the group, through its music, invites to turn towards a way of living centered on the harmonization of culture and nature; (3) the category of Environmental Thought is addressed through the lyrical composition and discourse of the members who emphasize, making use of their music, that environmentalism, more than an individual action, should be a collective ethical and political force. Conclusion: The group is constituted as a rhizomatic war machine that has been in charge of promoting a transformation of the thinking of the social bases so that it is understood that the crisis is of a political nature, and therefore, the solution, more than recycling, is within the framework of politics.

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