This article aims to trace, from the interaction between constitutional law and economics, the imaginary under which Colombian economic associations interpreted an economic order affected by different forms of violence throughout the second half of the 1980s. In order to do so, it traces primary sources -especially press archives and documents authored by business leaders- in order to elucidate the position of the trade unions in the face of the grave state of affairs. One of the best-known statements from the trade union sector at the time - "the economy is doing well, but the country is doing badly"- portrayed the rural country as the one where things were going badly. Likewise, it seemed to suggest that while the economy was doing well, constitutional law -embodied by the increasingly shaky Constitution of 1886- was not doing so well. Thus, in asking: (i) who were the economic guilds of the 1980s in the midst of the wave of violence, (ii) what were their points of encounter and disagreement with the role that the state and constitutional level should play there in economic matters, and (iii) how the business community - a body not easy to decipher - came to be described as an anonymous constituent in the winds of reform that would put an end to the 1886 Constitution, this text analyzes and evidences an unclear trade union position in the face of Colombia's delicate rural situation and the opacity of a chain of responsibilities present there, having as one of its thorniest points the links of certain trade union expressions with illegal factors of violence.
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