How to Cite
Gaviria Ramírez, R. (2007). A greater degree of atackability of legally protected interests in a counterposition to the criminal law of the enemy. Jurídicas, 4(1), 121–137. Retrieved from


Ricardo Gaviria Ramírez
Edgar Saavedra Rojas & Mauricio Pava Lugo Abogados


After descriptively approaching the conceptions of the Criminal Law of the Citizen and the Enemy and formulated by Günther Jakobs, the author explains how the adoption of a model of Criminal Law of the Enemy prevents the concretion of one of the main foundations of the Criminal Law of the Citizen and discards it due to intra-systematic insufficiency. Next, from a propositional point, the author establishes that the cases treated by the Criminal Law of the Enemy, in fact are confi ned to what he denominates a greater degree of atackabilty undertaken by certain legally protected interests, reason why the author concludes that those facts must be treated under the parameters of the Criminal Law of the Citizen and, in its favor, exposes the necessity of its expansion. Said expansion consists in the effective intensifi cation of the criminal threats, with a greater correlative regarding the limits of the ius puniendi.

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