How to Cite
Márquez Buitrago, M. (2007). Environmental protection and the limits of criminal law. Jurídicas, 4(1), 93–104. Retrieved from


Mauricio Márquez Buitrago
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


The remarkable importance that the environmental matter has received in the last four decades, makes this problematic a fundamental topic to be tackled from the law’s perspective, since it represents the maxim construction of humanity for the attainment of social order. Therefore the law, and specially criminal law, understood as the most classic instrument of social control, represents a tool that makes possible the regulation of human activities that risk environmental balance. The fi rst part of the work shows the historical recount of the recognition of a healthy environment and its correlation with the fundamental rights. Later, starting off from the demonstrated relation of society and its physical surroundings with the generation of environmental problems, the relevance of the discussion in the constitutional fi eld is showed. Finally, the problem is approached from the criminal law’s perspective, trying to show its limited capacity to offer an effective protection to the environment, from the problematic of the confi guration of the criminal types.

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