How to Cite
Ospina López, D. M., & Rodríguez Agudelo, D. C. (2007). Public policies of micro, small and medium business in the department of Caldas. Jurídicas, 4(2), 31–45. Retrieved from


Diego Mauricio Ospina López
Diana Carolina Rodríguez Agudelo


The public policies have been configured in a fundamental tool for those who control the direction of a whole conglomerate of individuals; that is to say, for the governmental Institutions regarding the society they govern over. Said policies are used with the purpose of controlling socially problematic situations that pertain to the great majority. Thus, the set of public policies designed will be evaluated to foment the creation and support of micro, small and medium businesses. It is prevailing to fortify this factor for the sake of contributing to the growth and economic development of the nation. This analysis will show deficiencies in the design of the policies destined toward the micro, small and medium business sector, as well as to the inadequate functioning of the instruments created by the law. Considering the latter, structural and profound changes in the public policies oriented towards a vital sector for our economy are recommended.

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