How to Cite
Reyes Cuartas, J. F. (2008). Law 1153 of 2007: Or once again looking what to do with minor delinquency. Jurídicas, 5(1), 175–187. Retrieved from


José Fernando Reyes Cuartas
Tribunal Superior de Distrito Judicial de Manizales


This article addresses from a critical perspective the configuration of law 1153, named in the legal field "Small Causes Law". Analyzing its social implications in crime prevention, a reflection is made on the basis of justice decongestion, running through the principles of legality and defense. Subsequently, in response to the role of judge in the criminal justice model that governs our justice system, an analysis is made from the jurisprudence viewpoint of the Constitutional Court. Finally, there is a debate regarding the role of law in crime fighting, which invites the reader to review the goodness of having intensely cut the regular process provided for crimes, as Law 1153 of 2007 has done.

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