How to Cite
Ome Barahona, A. (2011). Confluence of tax categories in the protection of the environment. Special reference to the spanish case. Jurídicas, 8(1), 121–148. Retrieved from


Anayibe Ome Barahona
Universidad de la Amazonía


The tax tripartite categories— taxes, rates and special contributions— are those that in the practice act as economic instruments for the achievement of environmental policy aims. Since they cover different tributary institutes, each one intervenes in such intentions in a different way in accordance with the respective legal description of the taxable event established by the fiscal legislation for the appearance of the tax rate . This causes that, in a generalized way, and from the perspective of Tax Law, they cannot be catalogued as efficient figures in the preservation of the natural resource. The environmental tax system, nevertheless, does not limit its development to the previous categories. It has integrated new categories that, up to this moment do not constitute a part of the range of species contemplated in Tax Law. The legislator —enjoying full autonomy— has linked the new ones with the classic ones, favoring, even, the approximation and the mixture of the already existing categories. This situation has generated doctrinal controversy, because of the legal implications of having legal figures with tributary apparel, without really being so.

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